Tuesday, November 14, 2017

How to create a pop up subscription on Wordpress

You have probably visited many websites that show you a small square or rectangular box that prompts you to subscribe to their newsletter. This can be closed with an X icon if you don’t want to subscribe or you can simple enter your name and email on the fields and continue to browse the site. The default Wordpress site does not include this feature, but you can easily download it for free by typing “supsystic popup” and this will take you to the most flexible free plugin you will find for this purpose.

This is a great way to capture some emails from people who are interested in your content and you will be able to keep them informed of new publications in the future.

Saturday, November 11, 2017

How to use images on Wordpress widgets

One of the first obstacles that new Wordpress users encounter is that the number of plugins and features that come with the basic Wordpress installation are quite limited. The good news is that a vast library of those widgets is available for download directly from the Wordpress CMS and you can add images to widgets by typing “image widget” on the plugin search option.

The image widget plugin is very straightforward and it allows you to place images on the widget are, but most importantly, you can link those images to any section of the site you want.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

What is the Wordpress footer?

The Wordpress footer is a very important art of the site because it should contain your business name, copyright notice and it should have the main menu in a horizontal display, as this is the most practical way to display it. We also advice that your footer uses a widget for a search module that people can use to find information within your site.

Wordpress has always been very flexible when it comes to the kind of uses you can give to the footer, so you can be creative if you want, but make sure that the elements we mentioned are included.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

What is a Wordpress widget?

Wordpress has many great features that make it very easy for you to get the kind of results you want. One of the most important and useful features is the widget. This is the section of the site that use left, right and low columns or footer for the creation of menus and all kinds of other features such a logins and calendars. All you need to do to use it is drag the widgets from one side of the screen to the area in your template.

This is done by going to the widget section in your Wordpress panel and it provides a wide range of great features for you to consider using for all kinds of purposes.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Wordpress vs Joomla

There has always been a long standing debate when it comes to the two most popular systems for content management. Both Joomla and Wordpress have been around for a very long time, but the truth is that Wordpress has gained a lot of ground and it has become the most popular of the two due to its safety features and mostly because of how easy it is to install and implement.

The Wordpress community is also larger and it provides the required assistance that you need in order to get the best results. You can find plenty of forums, blogs and videos that provide excellent tutorials for your needs.




Monday, October 30, 2017

A great tool for plagiarism checking

When you create content, you always need to make sure that you create quality and that you always write original content. Google penalizes websites that use any content that has been plagiarized from other sources and this is one of the main reasons why you need to be careful not to use anything from other sites.

If you are delegating content work to other people, you should be using plagiarism checkers to make sure the work is unique. The best one is Copyscape and it’s a premium service that gives you excellent results for a very low cost. You can check hundreds of articles for as little as $10.

Friday, October 27, 2017

Creating content for your niche

You need to make sure that you can create plenty of useful content in order to achieve the best results with your SEO efforts, but things are not that simple. You also need to be able to create content that is highly targeted to your market niche and that is going to be even more important.

Once you are able to start coming up with highly valuable content, you will see that the results will start coming in faster and that is going to help you get more visitors that convert. Just remember that you need to focus on your niche.